Olen tavannut 94 vuotiasta Alinaa tammikuusta lähtien noin kerraan viikossa. Maaliskuun puolivälissä Alinalta tuli idea lyhytelokuvaksi -selkeät toiminnot ja tunnelma. Sen jälkeen olemme kehitellet ideaa, harjoitelleet liikkeitä, miettineet puvustusta ja lavastusta. Viime viikolla kuvasimme Alinan idean. Kylmänä ja vähän sateisena päivänä etsimme kevään tunnelmaa. Hauskaa oli ja töitäkin saatiin tehtyä. Kuvaajana meillä oli Marko Tikkinen. Iso kiitos siitä Markolle!
Videossa kuvauspäivän tunnelmia.
Videossa kuvauspäivän tunnelmia.
Shooting day
I have been meeting 94 years old Alina about once a week since January. In mid-March, Alina told me an idea for a short film. She told me the actions and the feeling she would like to have in it. Since that we have been rehearsing movements, thought about costumes and set. Last week we shot Alina's idea. We looked for the feel of springtime on a cold and bit rainy day. We had lots of fun and got something done also. Marko Tikkinen was the cameraman helping us. Big thanks to Marko for that!
Sorry, there are no subtitles on the video. Main points of the dialog are: Alina is saying that she has been repeating things over and over again. She has been enchanted about the spring for hours. I am trying to give instructions on what to do next and the cameraman says ”It's going well!”
Sorry, there are no subtitles on the video. Main points of the dialog are: Alina is saying that she has been repeating things over and over again. She has been enchanted about the spring for hours. I am trying to give instructions on what to do next and the cameraman says ”It's going well!”